Thursday, March 8, 2012

Oh goodness...

it is thursday. thursday, as in the day before friday, as in the day before spring break. 
i am sitting in starbucks desperately trying to study for a test i have tomorrow morning (evil right?) and i cannot focus. i have already guzzled down coffee and all i want to do is curl up and watch a movieor just go ahead and drive home. 

here is what my mind sounds like right now..

"I cant wait until spring break ohmygosh why isnt it here yet? NO, erin you have to study, seriously, you will be so pissed at yourself if you don't get an A on this test, oh also, don't forget that you wanted to start watching downton abbey over break, i think the monties have it on, NO STOP, focus erin, focus, only a few more hours of studying and then you're done. then you can hang out with lauren, ashley and christine, go on walks with mom, play with zoe, celebrate four years of knowing travis, double date with blake and holly, potentially gamble in oklahoma STOPITRIGHTNOW...focus erin....focus" 


1 comment:

Lauren Haines said...

I have a test tomorrow morning too and I'm going through the SAME predicament!!! I have managed do my hair, laundry and attempt to learn the Beyonce "who run the world" music video........