Friday, March 9, 2012

Deep Breaths

Spring break is finally here and oh boy am I looking forward to some relaxation. I think now that my impending adulthood is coming closer, I really appreciate these little breaks. This semester has been much better than the last in so many ways, but I still get stressed. Stressed about school, finding an internship, life in general... 

But now I can hopefully take a deep breath and sort of re-group. I can't wait to see friends, hang out with my family, cook, finish reading "The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo,"celebrate four years since I met Travis, walk to starbucks with my mom, watch "Downton Abbey" and catch up on mindless reality TV.  

In other news: 

About a week ago, Lauren's mom and sister had a trunk show for Stella & Dot. I got this necklace and it was waiting for me when I got home today! 

love ittttt.

1 comment:

Lauren Haines said...

Oooooh my gosh!!! I die for that necklace. what a great choice!! Xx