Monday, May 28, 2012


Seeing as I haven't done anything on this blog in awhile, I thought for my sake I'd try to remember some things that have happened recently. 

- the weekend after I came home we got to go to New Orleans to visit family, eat a lot of cajun food and play with my little cousins- 

- I started my internship and feel to grown up (for another post)- 

- I got to set up for Blake and Holly's engagement with three of my favorite people, we were all a litte jittery about the impending excitement, it was a fun memory to share- 

- I was also handed the task of taking picture's of the actual proposal which was so fun but I was kind of bummed because some of my pictures turned out blurry (at one point, I asked Travis to hold my arms because I was shaking from excitement..hence, blurry pictures)- 

- Finally I was reunited with Lauren and Ashley this past friday night, laughter and chatting ensued- 

- Blake asked Travis to be his best man, I am so excited for him!!!- 

And those are just some of my mumble-jumbled thoughts, I will probably read this tomorrow and catch a zillion typos. 

Thursday, May 17, 2012

So, here's the thing.

Blogging involves being on a computer. 

My internship requires being on a computer. 

When I get home, I don't really want to be on a computer. 

My blog may be quiet for a little while.............

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Casa de Pi Phi

Things I will miss about living in the Pi Phi house: 

Everyone being in one place

Eating delicious food 

Not having to prepare said delicious food 

Having a different person to talk to at all times 

Being able to walk downstairs for meeting instead drive 

The snacks in the mini kitchen 

All of the random things that happen (that's super vague but I don't know how else to put it) 

Having a workout room 

Having a birthday in the house

Things I will NOT miss about living in the Pi Phi house: 

Wearing shoes in the shower 

The freezing cold temperature they keep the house at 

Having to poop in a specific toilet 

When people are loud but you are trying to sleep 

That dryer that takes forever in the laundry room 

Not being able to make my own food 

Limited privacy 

How stinky the mini kitchen got during the weekends 

I really will miss it though. That was the one time in my life where I got to share a house with 50 people that I know. Also, not only have Sarah and I known each other since 7th grade, now we have been roommates too. There are only a few people you can say that about, glad it's her! Last night, we got to sneak Travis up to our room to sign our fan. I think it is fun that Travis is special to both of us. 

Alas, it is good to be back in Casa de Kanter, where I can poop in any toilet I want. 


Friday, May 4, 2012

Birthday Post!

I apologize in advance if this post is long/wordy, I am really doing this for myself so that I can remember everything! 

At midnight, as in 12:00 am on my birthday, I was downstairs studying for my exams and everyone else that was down there sang me happy birthday. Living with 50 girls has its fun advantages, that was one of them! 

Then, I walked up to my room and sweet Shannon had bought me flowers and wrote me a little birthday note! 

When I woke up the next morning, I got right to studying (blegh) but then Travis picked me up to take me to lunch and then we decided it would be fun to go to Spec's and look around. When we got there he handed me his debit card and said, "pick out whatever you want and I'll get it for you." Of course, I am the most naive person when it comes to alcohol so I just called my Mom and asked, "hey, what's that stuff I like?" The point of me having the debit card was so I could do the obligatory handing over my ID to the cashier thing. 

Me and my first purchase: Beringer White Zinfandel 


When Travis drove up to the Pi Phi house, I got a call from Crush cupcakes asking me when would be a good time to drop off a delivery my parents had sent. I was so surprised but, I thought they were sending me one cupcake. Boy was I wrong, when I got to the door, there were THREE DOZEN cupcakes. They wanted everyone to share in the fun!!! 

Vanilla, Red Velvet & Chocolate cupcakes! 


It made me so happy that everyone got to have a treat. It also helps that everyone who lives here is gracious and wanted me to thank my parents, how sweet!

Oh my gosh this is too long but I want to document it somewhere! OK-so then I got to talk to my grandma, open my birthday card from my family and not concentrate. At 4 I had a little happy hour at Chuy's where I gulped down a deelish strawberry margarita (on the house) and had fun chatting with everyone for a little while. 


After happy hour, Travis took me to dinner at a new Mexican place called Lupe Tortilla where we got to eat yummy fajitas. I was starting to feel sleepy already from my margarita so all I really said while we ate was "oh my gosshhhh, this is so yummy" 


Travis and I went back to the house to study for our final we had together today, I was so tired that I was deep asleep by 11:30 last night. 

If you made it this far, you rock. This was one of the best birthdays I have had in awhile. I felt so loved and I got to spend time with great people, eat good food and have a tasty drink. My hope for this next year of my life is to be thankful, be more appreciative of what I have. I know that a lot of change is going to happen but I hope I can always look at the bright side. (ok, I know that was cheesy) 

I get to see my parents tomorrow, go on a 'fancy' birthday date tomorrow night and I'm done with finals  Monday, YIPPEE!!!!! 


Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Get in mah belly

It's the day before my 21st birthday, I have been studying since 10:15 this morning and this is what I want: 

A mocha cookie crumble frappucino (for a limited time only).