Friday, June 29, 2012

Goings Ons


From the top: Brother-Sister picture after a family dinner, date night at Union Bear, Chihuly exhibit last night. 

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Father's Day and BEYONND!!!!

Father's day in my house is pretty laid back. My Mom and I cooked up a breakfast feast. We began by baking blueberry muffins (My Dad's favorite), and then I cooked sausage while my Mom made hashbrowns. To top off our little brunch, we made scrambled eggs to go along with it. For the rest of the day we were happy and full, Dad got to watch the US Open with my brother and it was a good day for everyone. Sometimes I think you need to make Sunday a "mental health day." 

Then, today, because the office I am interning at has done so well for the past fiscal year, we got to close shop the second half of the day and go to lunch and to whirly ball (via escalade limo, oh yeah!). It was really fun to mingle with everyone in a more casual setting. Also, whirly ball is FUN people. If you don't know, it is bumper cars, basketball and lacrosse all rolled into one. I am pretty sure I was smiling the whole time because everyone just looked so silly. 

This weekend I am so excited because Travis is coming in town and he wants to see "Bernie" so I will happily watch it a second time. (P.S Trav if you see this, I am hoping tex-mex and margaritas will be involved????). 

No pictures this time, just a lot of words so I remember stuff that happens. 


Saturday, June 16, 2012


Long story short: If you live in, or are from Texas, you must see this film.


Based on a true story, Bernie is about a man (named Bernie) who, in a nutshell, befriends an elderly woman and then murders her. That's really all the information you need to know going into the movie. This is Jack Black's finest performance, he is Bernie, I am not typically a Jack Black fan but after seeing him in this, I am starting to think people don't use his talent like they should. He is fabulous, enough said. They use interview people from Carthage, TX who know the real Bernie and it really adds authenticity to the story. On top of that, there is nothing like small town Texas people. 

Sidenote: One of the actors who plays a townsperson (and delivers some of the best lines in the whole movie) is Sonny Carl Davis, an actor that came to my film class last year for a Q&A about one of his first films, "The Whole Shootin' Match." He was probably one of the most entertaining people to listen to and it was cool to see him in this movie. 

I don't need to type more about this...just go see "Bernie"!!!!

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Da Weekend

This weekend was much needed. Friday was a bit stressful at work and on top of that, Travis came home for the weekend and I have missed him terribly. I know that is sappy and whatever but, I can't help it. So the weekend was spent catching up with him. 

Friday night I went to dinner with Travis and his family. We had to go to Dunston's because Grace just started working there and Travis is pretty much a superstar at Dunston's ever since he worked there. Naturally, I got a cheeseburger and tater tots. Let me just say people, the cheeseburger and tots is $4.50 and one of the best meals eh-ver. It was kind of fun watching Grace do her thing and any outing with Travis's family is an exciting one.  

Saturday night was also a fun one. Travis and I went on a date! I think this was our first actual date of the whole summer if I'm not mistaken. Other than that he has either been at school or we have seen each other for quick visits during the week. BLAH!  


Then we went back to his house and took a walk over to a park by his house. (With tootsie pops in hand).


I'm sad he has to go back to school, I know he is a little lonely down there by himself but alas, it's necessary. I am just glad that I got to spend some time with him at all!  

Tomorrow, it is back to my 'cube' BUT before then, my family is making po'
boys tonight, homemade french bread and everything! yes yes yes

Thursday, June 7, 2012


"Introverts, in contrast, may have strong social skills and enjoy parties and business meetings, but after a while wish they were home in their pajamas. They prefer to devote their social energies to close friends, colleagues, and family. They listen more than they talk, think before they speak, and often feel as if they express themselves better in writing than in conversation..." - S.C. Quiet

I don't even know who S.C Quiet is but this quote is my personality in a nutshell, so I wanted to document it somewhere.

Friday, June 1, 2012

Big ol' post

Are you there May? It's me, Erin! Where did May go? Seriously though...

Anyways,  here's a big fat slab of meaty bloggy woggy goodness of what I have been up to recently... 


I got to have dinner and watch Portlandia ( with my hilarious and awesome friend Meg, you should read her tumblr if you haven't yet, I aspire to write my wacky thoughts as clearly as she does. I feel we were cut from the same cloth (both slight hypochondriacs, get goosebumps at the mere mention of Downton Abbey etc.)

Whilst cleaning out my room a couple weeks ago, I found this treasure. 
"Dear Erin, 
How are you? Do you like your teacher? Do you like your teacher? <3 Ashley " 
This was sent sometime during elementary school, the repetition slays me. She was so nice to decorate the border. (read her blog!)

Nope. I refuse to believe my baby brother is 17. No amount of facial hair, muscle mass or vocal changes will stop me from seeing him as my baby brother. If you don't know Jonathan, you should. He may seem very serious on the outside, but he is just one funny, loving and caring goofball. 

My dad was out of town for a few days so my mom and I were bad and went to Pinkberry for dinner. Having frozen yogurt as a meal makes me feel rebellious these days. Wild life of a 21 year old amiright?? (P.S. how gorgeous is my mother?? Seriously glowing)

New selfie. I never take pictures of myself for some reason. When I do, I can't bring myself to make a serious face, so here I am...a dash of myspace pouting combined with a sprinkling of "the skinny arm"

My mom was cleaning out some old binders at the middle school, and she found a detention slip for Travis in there. He was in advisory playing with Tim, I guess his teacher wasn't having it. Don't worry, my mom took it so that she could give it to Travis. Not to boast but...I never got detention in school, ever :) 

And that is how it goes! 
