Friday, April 1, 2011


I am not the biggest fan of April fools day. Why? Well it's because I am so gullible. I believe a lot of things...wait, that sounded weird. Let me re-phrase, when someone delivers a completely inaccurate story/fact in a convincing way, I fall for it every time

This is a good example that happened to me my senior year of high school (shout-out Stephen Houghton who probably doesn't remember this!) 

Stephen:(with a totally straight face) Erin, did you hear about how FedEx and UPS are like, merging together? 
Me:, but I mean thats cool! 
Stephen: Yeah, it's actually a really big deal, they are trying to come up with a whole new image. 
Me: Wow thats actually kinda weird 
Stephen: I know, and guess what their new name is? 
Me: What? 
Stephen: FedUP!! 
Me: Hm, thats cool, kinda evenly combining the old names 
Stephen: (dropped jaw, obviously realizing I totally fell for it) 
Me: OOOOHHH!!! Oh my gosh I'm so gullible!  

That's usually what I say every time. Happy April fools day, but don't forget to cut some slack for us gullible people, cause it ain't fun to become the butt of a joke.

*Today, I'm grateful no one pulled a prank on me...or maybe they did?*

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