Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Can't Think of a Good Title.

So I was looking through the pictures I have on my iPhone from this school year and thought I'd share a few.

I laughed about this for a good long while...

My wig from when I dressed up as Mia Wallace...

Marie holding up the kite that we made, look at that grin...

After exams were over last semester, Travis and I went out to dinner, he was very excited...

This one just plain cracks me up, I love my brother!

My future roommate, scary right? Nah, she's a good egg...

Well, that's about all I have for you today! I'll keep takin' pictures if you 4 readers keep reading! 

*Today I'm grateful for the guy at old navy who forgot to charge me for one of the shirts I bought, thanks guy!*

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