I, like most humans have failed at various points in my life.
I have failed a test, failed to be my best self, failed to be a good friend/daughter/girlfriend, failed to act like an adult...and so on and so forth.
However, something I forget, along with a heaping load of people, is that there is always positivity in failure. I have many examples of this but most recently, I was trumped by Math 142 and had to drop the course. Not a huge blow to most, but to me, it really hurt because I have never failed in a class so much as I did in Math. I had people tutor me, I stayed up late studying, I talked to my teacher, but ultimately I failed. And when you can't logically place the blame on anyone but yourself, that hurts the most.
But the positive, is that I failed while trying my hardest. I know for a fact that I SUCKED at that class, I don't have to think about the "what if's" at all. I also have decided that to fill that extra chunk of time, I should really try to keep up with this blog, not to make it some huge site but because it's fun! Now I can blog, volunteer and do really well in my other classes. I'm in no way saying that its easy for me to find the positive in everything but boy is it a great feeling when I do!
Anyways, I know this is a stressful point in the semester as it is winding down. Decisions are being made, grades are going up or down etc. But I hope everyone (including me) remembers to always look at the positive even when it's a struggle, it is there!
*Today I am grateful for cookies...cause they're just good*
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