Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Long time...no post.

I have surfaced for a brief moment to catch my breath before sinking back down into the academic pool.  
Cool, that was so "creative writing" of me. 
I am in that class ya know ;) 

But seriously, this semester is going to be lengthy.  

Some things: 

- I almost heard the entire secret to "Pretty Little Liars" today. It would've been bad. I chewed my food as loud as I could to drown out the girl blabbing about it. 

- Some person in my creative writing class was rude to me today, guess they don't call it a cold snap for nothing! 

- I'm really jealous that Dallas had a snowday today. I think A&M could use one. 

- Why is everyone so obsessed with The Bachelor? 

- I would like to personally teach teenage girls how to speak, or more importantly, how to move their lower jaw so that words sound more clear. 

- I miss my puppy so here is a picture of her.

Happy week, and stay warm!



Lauren Haines said...

hahahahaha!!! i just died. all of that is so accurate.
the Bachelor sucks.
Teenage girls can't speak
and finding out the secret to PLL would have been the end of the world.
(no sarcasm)
like byeee

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