Thursday, March 22, 2012

little things

- i have experienced some rather unpleasant side effects to my increased caffeine intake but when i went home for break and brewed my own coffee, i was fine. some research led me to find that my usual tall cuppa' joe at starbucks had 260 mg of caffeine....260...a normal tall espresso drink has 75 mg. eek! but i discovered that americano's are the way to go, all the yumminess with a way more reasonable amount of caffeine- 

- i hate when, after you wash your hands, your skin gets all dried out and old-lady looking- 

- i would like to state here that i was a lazy bum over spring break and loved every minute of it, except that i would like to apologize to lauren and ashley for being a hobbit- 

- something i love about being 20 is that i have so many ideas running through my brain, there is so much i want to do/could do and that is a great thing- 

- something i hate about being 20 is that i have so many ideas running through my brain, there is so much i want to do/could do that it scares the crap outta me- 

- i am still reading "the girl with the dragon tattoo"...still love it but, still reading it- 

-if you haven't watched "downton abbey" yet, you really should- 

- my next post may or may not be a love letter to oatmeal, i love it so much (watch out peanut butter)- 

love and stuff, 


Ashley said...

your hobbitness is forgiven

Lauren Haines said...

isn't the word "hermit"?....regardless, apology accepted