Wednesday, November 10, 2010

What's in a name?

In terms of this blog...nothing. 
I can't think of a more creative name so I am calling it "Bloggy Woggy" for now. 


You see, Russell Brand wrote a book, it's called "Booky Wooky". Then he wrote another book that's called "Booky Wooky 2". Well, I just think that's funny!  Hence, "Bloggy Woggy"...a better name will come soon hopefully. 

Speaking of books, this is what I'm reading now:   

I know I am behind on the times here but wow, I've already read six chapters after getting it yesterday. 

In other news, as I was walking off the bus today, the doors shut on me, squeezing my shoulders toward each other. I made a really strange "OH" sound and then I was released. Also, a random lady walked up to me today and gave me a compliment on the shirt I was wearing, my self esteem ballon was inflated accordingly. 
Thanks lady!  

I made this blog for fun and hopefully it turns out to be slightly entertaining. some people my age write blogs and honestly, I don't like a lot of them. Too much information, too much personal drama just...too much! I hope to not bore the few people that read this (HI MOM!) but I also hope to offer some sort of positivity and humor to my day and yours by seeing what the blogging world has to offer. 

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