Thursday, February 23, 2012

New Layout

New a work in progress. We shall see how this goes. 

This week has been stressful, I have a midterm and a speech tomorrow morning (with only an hour to spare in between). I am really, really hoping I can do well on both of these things. 

And in order to do that...I guess I should get off this blog, AH! 

After my morning is over, I will look forward to at least a couple of days where I can drink coffee and work on my needlepoint. 

Also, Oscars on Sunday!! If I have time I'll do a prediction post like last year, although I haven't seen as many of the nominated movies this year. We shall see. 

 Catch ya on the flip side stinkies!

1 comment:

Lauren Haines said...

I LOVE the new layout!! I'm going to need tutorials as soon as life calms down. Good luck with everything tomorrow!! Xx