( This has nothing to do with my post but this is a cool photo by Tim Walker, I love his stuff)
For those of you who do not know, I love to cook.
If I had a kitchen, that is where you'd find me. I think there is something so
deeply personal about cooking someone a meal/baking them a treat. It really is a great sense of satisfaction to know someone enjoys your cooking.
Recently, I've found a lot of Natural food/Vegetarian/vegan food blogs and...no joke, the food looks delicious,flavorful and healthy all at the same time. I don't eat meat much (just don't crave it) as it is and I don't think I could permanently give up cheeseburgers and chicken but
I also want to try some of these recipes! I've been reading up on how our bodies weren't made
to digest all of this processed crap and it's really sparked something in me!
So I'll go ahead and share with you some of the blogs:
1) Peas and Thank You- this blog is written by a mother who is raising her kids to be vegetarians, so all of the recipes are really simple and look delicious. I for one want to try this reci"pea". (you can scroll past the mom stuff)
2) Kath Eats Real Food- written by a young gal, she's a certified nutritionist and her recipes are less vegan and more on the "just eat wholesome" side, which I'd love to try.
3) Oh She Glows- Some of her recipes are a little too healthy for me but she has some really creative ideas and a great philosophy on food/healthy eating.
4) The Pioneer Woman- ok, she doesn't have a natural foods blog by ANY means but her home-cooking recipes are delicious. Not only that but she has a pretty cool life! This is great if you're looking for comfort food.
Call me a weirdo, I love food! I also love nutrition (thought about changing my major to it!) I probably won't become a vegetarian, I found out I fall into the flexitarian category? Anyways, I can't cook any of this stuff since I don't have a kitchen. So for now, I'll eat what I can :)
Oh and my spring break has started, I'll post pictures of my adventures.
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