I have been completely consumed with tests this week and I still have two more to take next week before I can really breathe. Even though my test week has been a little stressful, I have many little things that have made my week more bearable...
(no blog post is complete without little Zoe)
(no blog post is complete without little Zoe)
-A late night chat with Travis on Tuesday. We talked about life, things/people that stress us out, dreams etc. all while dangling our feet in the pool-
-A sweet text from my little asking me how my week was going-
-Tomato basil soup and chicken salad sandwiches for lunch at the house on Wednesday-
-Spending practically an entire day at Starbucks on Wednesday to prepare for my two tests on Thursday-
-Checking my phone on Thursday and seeing three texts from each member of my family wishing me a happy jewish new year, all sent at the same time (dads idea)-
-Talking with my Mom on the phone and deciding that when I come home, we are making Peach Noodle Kugel and Honey Cake-
-My group text conversation with Ashley and Lauren, we texted during my entire Oceanography class and I loved every minute of it. I even had a moment in class where I was trying so hard not to laugh out-loud that my body was shaking and I had to hold my breath for fear that letting it out would release my laughter. I love them!! Sometimes, I miss them so much my heart aches a little (note to self: they deserve their own post)